Board of Directors

Charles Macaluso – President
My name is Chuck Macaluso and I would like to start out by giving you a little background about myself. I have served three years in the USMC with duty stations in the Mediterranean, Vietnam, Philippine Islands Camp Lejeune and Camp Pendleton, CA.
Graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology obtaining an A.A.S. Degree in Electronics. Retired from Eastman Kodak after thirty- seven years as a Process Control/Computer Systems Technician. I am a certified instructor for the Department of Environmental Conservation and teach Hunter Safety for students wishing to obtain a hunting license. I am currently a Life Member of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Marine Corps League, Order of the Purple Heart, American Legion and a member of The Khe Sanh Veterans. As of January, I joined the Boy Scouts of America to become a Merit Badge Counselor Teaching Electricity and Electronics Merit Badges.
Married for over 52 years to my lovely wife Joan, we have two children Dawn & Brian along with two grandchildren, Kylie (Dawn & Mike Mitchell) and Jeffrey (Brian and Allison).
I have been an active member of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 20, for forty years, member of the Marching Unit for the same assisting the Commander of the Unit when needed. I have served on the Board of Directors for thirty-one years, Nominating Committee for thirty-six holding the position of committee chair for past thirty-three years. Founder the “Veterans Walk” at Highland Park which was dedicated to the Community August 14, 2004. I have commanded the Chapter20 Honor Guard for twelve years.
I have served on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial of Greater Rochester Board of Directors for the last twenty-three years, acting VVMGR President for the past thirteen years.

Fred Elliott – Vice-President
Fred was elected in August 2011 to serve as National Vice President of Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) at the organization’s 15th National Convention in Reno, Nevada. He completed his fourth term as Region 2 Director to the VVA National Board of Directors and also served two terms as Director At-Large. He has chaired the Strategic Planning Committee, the Convention Resolutions Committee, the Convention Rules Committee and the Budget Oversight Subcommittee at the National level. In New York State, Fred has served as Chapter 20’s President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and as a Director. Additionally, he has served on the Board of Directors of the Rochester Veterans Outreach Center, and as chair of the Rochester Veterans Emergency Relief Fund. Currently, he sits on the Board of the Greater Rochester Vietnam Veterans Memorial and on the Monroe County Executive’s Veterans Advisory Committee. He is the recipient of the Chapter 20 Outstanding Service Award; the New York State Medal for Merit; the Roger Robach Award; and the NY State Council Service Award. Fred served in Vietnam from January to December 1967 with the Army’s 9th Infantry Division and 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. In 1983, he joined VVA, becoming a Life Member in 1987; he has been a delegate to 12 VVA national conventions. He is married to Marie Davias.

Joe Peck – Secretary
I have been a proud life member of Chapter 20 since August of 2004, a Board Member from 2007 to 2020 and served as Secretary from 2011 to 2020. I have served honorably with the Chapter 20 Marching Unit and Honor Guard. I am also the POW/MIA chair for Chapter 20 and a Board Member of the Greater Rochester Vietnam Veterans Memorial. I have been a hospice volunteer for the Vet to Vet connection through Life Time Care for over 3 years.
I served in the US Army from 1974 to 1976 and was assigned to the 5th Signal Command under STRATCOM and stationed in Manheim, Germany.
I retired after almost 35 years of service at Xerox and now devote my time to my family and the Veteran community. I will continually work to keep the integrity and functionality of the Memorial Board at its highest level of standard.

Ray Melens – Treasurer
I proudly served in the Marine Corps in 1968 and 1969. Upon completing training I was shipped to the Republic of South Vietnam for a tour of duty with the 3rd Marine Division.3rd Medical Battalion, H&S CO. at Quang Tri in I Corps. I was discharged from the Corps after a short stay at Chelsea Naval Hospital in Boston, MA.
In 1972 I married my first wife and we had two lovely daughters together, Stephanie & Courtney. Later in their lives they blessed us with 6 wonderful grandchildren. In Oct. 2001, I married my current wife Gail, who I am still happily married to and also blessed to have 2 grandchildren by her daughter. Giving me a grand total of 8 grand kids! They do keep us busy.
After 30 plus years in Industrial Sales I was forced to retire in 2005 due to my service connected disability for my back.
I have been and continue to be an active member of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 20 here in Rochester. I have been a member since 1991. I served as Community Services Chairman for 3 years, Marching Unit & Honor Guard Commander for 14 years, served as Vice President for 2 years, President for a couple of months, Treasurer for 4 years and a longtime member of the Board of Directors.
I was actively involved in some parts of the construction and in fund raising for the memorial. I got to take part in the dedication ceremony of the Memorial as a member of the Chapter’s Color Guard and until my retirement from the Commander’s position I conducted services at the Memorial every year for Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
Currently, I am proud to say that I serve as a mentor in the Monroe County Veterans Court for the last 3 years as well.

Paul S. Cordy – Director
Paul Samuel Cordy enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on December 30th, 1992 and reported to Basic Training in August of 1993. He first deployed for Operation Southern Watch in 1995 and participated in Exercise Iron Magic in 1996. He served on both the USS Denver and the USS Peleliu, while in the Persian Gulf. He received meritorious promotions to Private First Class and Corporal.
Upon his return to Rochester, NY, Sergeant Cordy joined the Marine Corps Reserve. While with the Reserves in September 2001 he was called upon by the New York Naval Militia to participate in a two-week security detail at Ground Zero after the September 11th Terrorists attacks. While continuing to serve in the Marine Corps Reserves, he was mobilized for Operation Enduring Freedom and deployed to the Horn of Africa from 2004 to 2005 and was subsequently selected to Staff Sergeant. While on Active Duty again from 2007 to 2010 he was promoted to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant. He deployed to Iraq in 2009 as the Company Gunnery Sergeant of Alpha Company, 3rd Bn, 3rd Marines, Task Force Military Police, which included more than 65 Marines from the Rochester, New York, Marine Corps Reserve unit.
Over the years Gunnery Sergeant Cordy has also continued to serve his community as a Veterans advocate and volunteer. He has been a member of the Monroe County Veterans Advisory Committee since 2010 and served as its Vice Chair for ten years. He has also served as the Monroe County Council Commander for the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Gunny Cordy was also elected as the District Eight VFW Commander encompassing Monroe, Wayne, Ontario, Yates, and Seneca Counties; serving in that position from 2011-2012. Gunnery Sergeant Cordy was a VA Voluntary Services Deputy Representative for the Canandaigua VA hospital from 2011-2018 and became the first Iraq Veteran to be selected as a voting Board Director of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial of Greater Rochester. He has also served as Board Member of the Webster Community Chest and as Cub Scouts Den Leader for Pack 163 in Webster, New York.
Gunnery Sergeant Paul S. Cordy also is a lifetime member of the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, and the Marine Corps League among others. His decorations include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, four Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, two National Defense Medals, three Sea Service Deployment ribbons, and the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, among others. Gunny Cordy retired from the United States Marine Corps in 2014 with his wife, daughter, and son in attendance. He completed his graduate studies at Roberts Wesleyan College earning a Master’s Degree in 2015 and was nominated for the NY State Senate Veterans Hall of Fame in 2018.

Bing Crosby Reaves – Director
Born Bing Crosby Reaves in St. Petersburg, Fla 2/7/1951 and lived there until 1970 at which time I moved to Rochester, NY to participate in a free college program. When this not occur, I began work at Rochester Psychiatric Center and after a year there, I was drafted in the United States Army on Nov 11th, 1971. I completed my basic training at Ft. Dix, NJ. I then went on to Air Defense School in Ft. Bliss, TX. While there I was selected for The Basic Leadership Course and after completion I received orders for the 2ID in TDC, Korea as a Vulcan Crewman in A company of the 2/61st ADA. I completed my tour of duty on Aug 17th,1973 and returned to my job at the Rochester Psychiatric Center. After a few years I was promoted to Supervision and was transferred to Monroe Development Center under Mental Retardation. During that time period I was a US Army Reserves Medic with the 817th Med Evac Unit in Webster, N.Y. After marriage and a growing family and more responsibility at work, I was no longer able to serve in the Military. After almost 10 years working for NY State, I joined the Rochester, NY Police Dept. My assignments included Street Patrol, Sex Crimes Investigations, Police Evidence Technician, and Police Supervisor (Sgt.) I served with RPD for 32 years before retiring. During the period with RPD, I joined the 98th Division Training. My assignments were in Quality Test Management Group (QTMG) later to become Quality Assurance Division (QAD) in G3 Operations and planning. I was later assigned as First Sergeant of the 98th Division Band (later to become 198th Division Band). I served 4 years there and then returned to the G3 where I remained until joining the IRR (RTU) as an assistance to training under Col. Paul Ciminilli, until I mustered out with the total of 36 years for retirement. I became a member of the 98th Division Color Guard while in QTMG and became the first member of the 98th Division Award Winning Drill Team under SFC George Chung. After a number of retirements and promotions I eventually became the Color Guard Commander. My Military awards consist of the Meritorious Service Medal (1olc), National Defense (1olc), Army Commendation Medal (2olc), Army Achievement Medal Armed Forces (2olc) Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal (gold hourglass) NCO Professional Development (#3) Reserve Component Overseas Training Ribbon, and the Army Superior Unit Award.
Organizations: Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Life Time Membership Chairman (2016-present), I am a board member of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and the Veterans Memorial Board/United Veterans (Rochester Memorial Day Parade Grand Marshall), The AMVET Post #1 member, American Legion Life Member of Post 468 (Greece, NY) and a member of AL 468 Color Guard. Down Town Host Lion Club (Eye Screen committee member), Flower City ELKS (IBPOEWNY), Prince Hall Masons, Eureka Lodge #36 and Past High Priest of Haggai #41 Holy Royal Arch. I am the Commander for the VFW Post 9251 Buffalo Soldiers Presentation Team, I am the Past Noble Father for the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows Lodge #12226
Family: I have been with my wife for over 30 years. We have the Brady Bunch. three children from her previous marriage and four kids from my previous marriage and two kids together. We have eight living and one deceased. All are grown and we have twenty grandchildren and two great grad children (I feel very blessed). We raised one grandson due to my daughter tragic death. We attend Church at the Immaculate Conception/ St. Bridges Church Located in the Corn Hill area of Rochester, N.Y.

Ron Trovato – Director
Ron Trovato is a US Army veteran who served two tours in Vietnam as an advisor to the Vietnamese 21st Infantry Division from 1969-1971. A graduate of Buffalo State College, he is a Life Member of the Disabled American Veterans and 19 year member of the American Legion. A founding member of Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #20, he has attended six VVA National Conventions and served five terms on the Chapters Board of Directors. As a regular contributor, he wrote articles for the Chapters “Forward Observer” and “Between The Lines” publications. He was the Chairman of Chapter #20’s Incarcerated Veterans Committee for 31 years (1989-2020) and was the NY State Incarcerated Veterans Chairman for two years. In May 2002 he was designated Volunteer of the Year at the Auburn Correctional Facility. He is a retired Probation Officer and does volunteer work for Celebrate Recovery and Rochester Regional Health’s veterans hospice program. He has served on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Board of Greater Rochester since 2012.

Mark Quinn – Director
Mark is a 1982 graduate of SUNY Brockport in Geology, and has worked for the Monroe County Department of Parks since 1984. He has held various positions including Horticultural Aid, Park Supervisor, Supervisor of Historic parks, and Superintendent of Horticulture. He currently serves on the EAB Task force in Monroe County.

Mike Sanfilippo – Director
My Name Is Michael C. Sanfilippo, I am a native of Rochester and attended city schools and Edison Tech. High School. I have been married to my wife Joan for fifty-six years and we had two daughters. Our oldest daughter passed away and we are kind of the surrogate parents to her son and his family who now live in Louisiana. We love to visit them. Our other daughter lives locally with her husband and our granddaughter. We have two grand kids and two great grandkids.
I entered the U.S. Army in Jan.1967 and took basic training and AIT at Ft. Dix and processed out in Dec.1968 in Oakland, CA. I was in South East Asia in 1968. I was in Transportation in the Army primarily in Heavy truck driving.
I got into the Metal Trades and spent over thirty years doing sheet metal fabrication, welding and tool making. Most of my time was at the Kodak Elmgrove Plant in a Precision Sheet Metal Model Shop.
When I started at Kodak I a fellow worker told me about the Army Reserves. My ears perked up because I missed that life. I had a wife and two little squally girls at home and I jumped at it. I spent nine years in the 98 th Division Committee Group teaching Basic Training at Ft. Dix and Ft. Leonard Wood retiring as a SFC.
I am a long time life member of VVA Chapter 20. I am also a life member of the VFW Memorial Post 412 in Chili and an over thirty year member of the Chili American Legion Post 1830. I spent five years serving veterans doing hospice for Lifetime Care. I met some very special individuals doing Hospice Volunteering and will remember them the rest of my life.
I am a multiple term Board of Director of Vietnam of America Chapter 20. I am also a Vice Commander in both, the VFW and the American Legion as well as a past board member of the Legion. I am also Board Member of the newly formed Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation which will be benefit the community with the monies of Chapter 20 long after we are no longer around. I am also a Mentor at Monroe County Veterans Treatment Court.

Nicholas Stefanovic – Dir. of Monroe Cty Veterans Service Agency
Nick Stefanovic served in the United States Marine Corps from 2002-2006, deploying twice to Afghanistan. In 2009 Nick completed his Bachelor’s degree in Substance Abuse Counseling. He interned at Strong Behavioral Health and then worked as a therapist at Warrior Salute.
After that Nick returned to complete his Master’s in Public Administration at SUNY Brockport and then worked as a Judicial Assessment Specialist for the Rochester Treatment Court. During that time Nick also had been a national advocate for Veterans issues, speaking on many mainstream political talk shows like “Hardball” with Chris Matthews, Take Part Live, and Diane Rehm. Nick has spoken before Congress and at the White House.
In 2014 Nick started contracting for the National Institute of Corrections and the Center for Court Innovation. After 3 years working with those national organizations he returned home to Monroe County. In December of 2017 Nick was appointed by County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo to be the Director of the Monroe County Veteran Service Agency. Nick also currently serves as Vice Chair on the Board of Directors at the Veterans Outreach Center.

Hector Sotomayor – Director
After graduating from EJ Wilson high school, I promptly joined the United States Marines and served from 1993 to 1997. During my tenure, I had the privilege of deploying twice with the 1st Mar Div and was awarded the Combat Action Ribbon for my service in Somalia.
Moreover, I have retired as a Sergeant from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. I began my career as a Deputy Sheriff in the Jail Bureau and ultimately retired from the Police Bureau. Additionally, I have served in various civic organizations, including NOBLE and LAPS, within our community. I presently serve as a pastor in one of our city churches and continue to participate in multiple roles.

Frank Allkofer – Legislative Liaison
Legislator Frank X. Allkofer represents the 4th Legislative District of Monroe County, which includes most of the Town of Gates and the southern portion of the Town of Ogden. Frank was elected in 2015, and began his first term on January 1, 2016. He is currently serving a four-year term.
Frank is currently the Vice Chair of the Recreation and Education Committee, and is also a member of the Public Safety Committee. Frank has a long and proud history of serving both the Town of Gates and also the greater Monroe County community. He served as the Director of the Town of Gates Recreation and Parks Department from 1967-2000, and then went on to serve as the Director of the Monroe County Parks Department from 2000-2006. His most recent public service position was as a Gates Town Board member from 2004-2015.
Frank is a lifelong Gates resident, and he graduated from Gates-Chili High School. He then went on to study at Monroe Community College and the State University of New York at Brockport, where he received a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration.
Frank is a proud veteran, having served with the United States Army in Vietnam, and is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. He is committed to serving and improving the quality of life for our community. He is a member of several organizations around the community, including the Gates AMITA Club and the Doud Post American Legion. He is also a member of St. Helen’s Parish.
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